Hello friends! I've been missing all of you but what can I do? My typist has been sick! I think I need TWO typists. Anyway, I can't wait to tell you all the stuff that's been going on lately, but today I have a little piece of fiction I wrote to help out my friend Auntie Violin K who is teaching a creative writing class and needed some good examples to share with her class. She had this story starter: I knew it was going to be an unusual day when my mom came into my bedroom and said......
I had to fix it a little so it fitted me better. It's un-illustrated for now, but Auntie Violin K's daughter, my good friend C, might draw some pictures for it. If she does I'll see if I can post some of them. And now, without further ado, here's the story.
I knew it was going to be an unusual day when Mummy came downstairs and said, "put on your Linda Ross Original vest and tie today Bentley. It's important for you to look your best."
Bimmer helped me with my bow tie and she kept giggling. Turbo told her to "shh" several times. I wondered what was up but nobody said anything. Then Auntie A got there and we started for work.
On the way, Mummy stopped at Hardees and we all had sausage biscuits for breakfast, even me! It was so yummy! I LOVE sausage biscuits!
THEN we went on to work and when we got there the whole upstairs was decorated with streamers and balloons! All my friends were there laughing and saying, "surprise Bentley! Surprise!" It was my birthday and everybody remembered!
They all pooled their money and made a HUGE donation to Michigan Basset Rescue in my honor! They brought me some presents too! Bimmer gave me my very own Party Monkey. Her name is Party Monkette. Turbo gave me a new squeaky football and said he’d play with me ANY time I wanted.
Bernie brought me a beautiful cake from The Grateful Dog Bakery! He told me it was “cheekun” flavored because he knows I like chicken as much as he does. Then we all ate some cake. I shared mine with my girlfriend, the Lovely Beatrice. When the cake was all gone, everyone went out for a long walk. Mummy said we had to work up an appetite for lunch.
When we got back from our walk, Auntie M and her sister Auntie B were there with bags and BAGS full of presents and treats! There were enough for all my friends to play too. We played football, Frisbee, tug-o-war and catch. We ran races too. When we were all tired out we flopped down and ate cookies and Snausages and Beggin’ Strips. My friend, George, who came all the way from the UK for my party, liked the Beggin’ Strips but he said real bacon is better!
I realized that some of my new stuffed toy friends needed surgery and nobody tried to stop me from operating or made me feel guilty about it! It was wonderful!!
We were all sitting around thinking that it was about time for lunch and wondering if Mummy was going to start whipping up some kibble with butter sauce (yum!) for everyone. Just when a lot of our stomachs started growling, Uncle Boss Man came in. I LOVE Uncle Boss Man! He always gives me belly rubs and ear scratches and tells me I’m his very best employee! I ran over to him for my belly rub. I thought maybe he might have brought me a new toy or some bully sticks or something, but he had something better! He had the keys to a brand new, shiny Panamera! He said my friends and I could use it for the rest of the day since it was my birthday and I’m his best employee. I was so excited I did the Basset 500! We all gave Uncle Boss Man slobbery kisses to say “thank you”. Then we all ran downstairs to get in the car.
Mummy drove us all to Five Guys! Yum yum!! Five Guys is wonderful! We all went in and Mummy said everybody could have TWO hamburger patties with extra bacon. George was ecstatic! Mummy is wonderful too! We didn’t get any fries, at least I didn’t. I don’t like fries. My human friends all had fries. They say Five Guys fries are the best ever. While we were waiting for our human friends to finish eating, we had a contest to see who could catch the most peanuts in their mouth. I caught twelve, but my friends Daisy and Ella each caught seventeen and Bailey “De Queen” caught twenty-two! THEN my step-dad Jefferson (who came over with George from the UK) amazed us all by catching thirty-eight!
FINALLY all the humans were finished eating so we all walked over to Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt. We got to have as much yogurt and as many toppings as we wanted! Bimmer and Bailey got pineapple with Gummi Bears and Froot Loops on top. The Lovely Beatrice and I got every chocolate thing we could lay our paws on and Turbo and Bernie both had some of every kind of yogurt but no toppings. Jefferson got only vanilla yogurt, but he put on every topping they had! My friends Shango and Luna had some of every kind of fruit.
After we finished eating, we all galloped back out to the Panamera. Mummy said the next place we were going was a surprise and everybody should cover their eyes. Turbo and George got down on the floor so they couldn’t see out and so did Bernie. Bimmer and Jefferson and I all used our ears to cover our eyes. Bailey “De Queen” tilted her fancy flowered hat over hers. The Lovely Beatrice put her paws over hers. Shango and Luna and all my other friends covered their eyes one way or another. We drove and drove and drove! Finally Mummy said “time to open your eyes: and I did and I SAW………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
My living room at home! It was morning and time to get up! My wonderful birthday was all a dream! I was so disappointed I almost howled! It was so REAL! I can’t believe it was only a DREAM!
(Of course my really, truly birthday is April 25th so there is still plenty of time for everyone to get ready! Wink, wink! Hint, hint!)