Part 3: That Romantic First Date
It doesn’t
seem that long ago that I was getting ready for my first date with the wonderful
and studly Turbo. Of course, it wasn’t
as perfect as I planned. Mommadog insisted that Turbo meet me at home and not
at the bar. (She wanted to check him
out.) Turbo was (naturally) very nice
about it and said he’d love to meet Mommadog.
Of course, that was before I found out she planned to chaperone the
date! Really Mommadog! You act like I’m a puppy sometimes! My sisters and I watched from the window for Turbo to arrive. I was SOOOO nervous!
Turbo arrived in his red convertible, the one that was named after him! There were only two seats, no room for
Mommadog! Woot woot! Mommadog seemed to like Turbo and she agreed
we could go without her.
We didn’t
notice right away how she and Lily and Abby were acting so funny, sneaking
things out to a strange car and all…
We took off
in Turbo’s car and it was a beautiful day.
I let my ears blow in the breeze.
It was so much fun! We drove for
a while but it seemed no time at all before Turbo was stopping at an ice cream
stand. He’s such a gentleman! We had single dips of bacon flavored ice
cream. You should have seen the other
customer stare! You’d have thought he’d
never seen two dogs get out of a red convertible and buy ice cream before! Hmmmph!
It was about that time that I noticed an odd lady in a crooked wig
watching us through binoculars. THEN I
saw two dogs wearing those disguise glasses with the moustache and big nose.
Double Hmmmph! I ignored them and hoped
Turbo wouldn’t notice.
Once we were
driving again, I saw those suspicious characters following along behind and you
can’t imagine such driving! They were
all over the road, it’s a wonder we weren’t all killed! I think Abby was driving so Mommadog could
keep those binoculars trained on Turbo and me.
“Uh Turbo,”
I said, “do you see a strange lady with crooked wig and sunglasses driving
erratically behind us?”
Turbo smiled
at me. “They’ve been back there the
whole way. I think one of your sisters
is driving,” he told me.
“How embarrassing!” I tried to think of things I could throw at
the other car, but other than our picnic basket, there wasn’t anything handy.
“They must not realize I have 540HP in
this car that they designed and named after me. I don't want your mommadog to worry, though, so I'm letting them stay
within sight...” chuckled Turbo.
I sighed,
“please tell me your family is crazy too!”
“Of course
they are!” said Turbo, “I guess it’s just part of being a family. I’m lucky to have one though. You know, I’m a rescue.”
“You ARE?” I
“Yes,” said
Turbo. “And after I was rescued, my mom
found me and adopted me. I sure was glad
to get a home and I sure was lucky to get such a good one!”
too!” I told him, “I’M a rescue too!”
“Really? Wow, that’s something we have in common! Looks like you got a good family too.”
“Oh I really
did! They embarrass me sometimes, like
NOW,” I glared in the direction of the other car, “but they’re the best!”
glanced over and smiled at me and I smiled at him and it was…MAGIC. I knew then that I wanted to spend all my
time with Turbo, forever.
“This looks
like a good place for our picnic,” said Turbo pulling off to the side of the
road. Opening the door for me, he asked,
“would you like to take a walk first?”
“I’d love
to,” I smiled, “all those beautiful leaves!
How romantic!”
It wasn’t
long though before we were hungry and we started back to the car, BUT WHEN WE
GOT THERE…. “Oh NO!” I cried, “SOMEONE
has taken the bottle of wine I put in my picnic basket!” I glared around the picnic area looking for
the culprits. I KNEW who it was, of
“Never mind,
Zuda,” Turbo told me soothingly. He
reached into a compartment I hadn’t seen before and pulled out….a
bottle of
“Oh Turbo!”
I sighed, “you think of EVERYTHING!”
Turbo blushed and smiled and we spread our blanket on the grass and
unpacked all the bacon delights that I brought along for us. While we were enjoying our feast, I said, “Turbo,
Mommadog asked me to invite you to dinner next week. Can you come?
Daddyman will be there then and he really wants to meet you.”
Turbo gulped
his last bite. Then he said, “I’d love
to meet your daddyman Zuda. I never had
a daddy myself though so I hope I’ll know how to act.”
“Oh you’ll
love Daddyman!” I told him, “he takes
such good care of us all. We take care
of him too of course. He’s very kind, I’m
sure you two will get along great.”
“Well, of
course, if he’s YOUR daddy, I’m sure I’ll like him too,” agreed Turbo and then
we snuggled together on the blanket to watch the sunset.
To Be
Continued…(Will Turbo like Daddyman?
Will Daddyman like TURBO?? What will Mommadog serve to eat? How
will Zuda control her overprotective Mommadog at the dinner??? Tune in next week!)