Thursday, January 19, 2012

WOW #58: Bimmer's Corner

Hi everybody! It's me, Bimmer. Bentley said I can write on his blog every now and then. He doesn't want people to get bored and he says I'll liven things up some.

He let me go to work with Mummy yesterday too while he and Turbo went on a play date with their friends that ended up being a sleepover! Me and Mummy had "girls' night" last night.

Work is a very interesting place. I'm not sure I'd want to go EVERY day but it made a nice change of pace.

There was just SO MUCH to do! I can't imagine how Bentley gets it all done and studies too. And then he comes home and plays with me and Turbo! WOW!!

When I got to work yesterday, I had to check the place out.

You wouldn't BELIEVE all the strange smells around there! I thought I'd never get them all sorted out. And people just WALK IN AND OUT ALL THE TIME!!! I liked Auntie M. I've met her before. I wasn't too sure about Auntie V and THEN there was this guy that Mummy said was Cousin D, but I'm not so sure! I wouldn't let HIM get near me. Maybe he IS Cousin D and maybe he isn't, hummmph!

Anyway, once I'd given the place the once over I had a look at Bentley's patients to see if they needed a good nurse.

They did.

I really had my paws full with them for a while.

As you probably noticed, I brought Lambchops with me to be my assistant. Bentley says assistants are important. He wishes all his squirrels hadn't gotten so sick! They were such GOOD assistants.

Lambchops was good too. See how nicely she's sorting the mail?

Uh oh! LAMBCHOPS! WHAT are you doing?!

You're not supposed to be Facebooking Lambie at work! There's a lot of stuff to do still.

Oh BROTHER!!! Now they're Skyping! Yes, I know Lambchops, Lambie IS awfully cute. I know, I know. You're both in LOVE. But Mummy is paying us to WORK, not flirt. Now if you don't have anything else to do, suppose you dust this shelf?

AAAA-CHOOO! Yes it is dusty isn't it? That's why I asked you to dust. You need a dustcloth? Okay hold on...let me just look....OH WOW!!!

I just hit the MOTHER LODE! Bentley's treat stash! No WONDER that boy's always so full of energy! Mmmm, CRUNCH! Yummy!

Pardon me for a few minutes...................................................................................................................................................................................................

WHEW! Being a manager is hard work! What time is it? It's bullystick time!

Ahhhhhhh! That was refreshing. Oh! It's time to go to the bank Mummy says. We'll just leave Lambchops here to answer the phones. I wouldn't want her to get carsick.

Bentley always says this is the BEST part of the job.....

Hmmmmmm....not really seeing it.....

Well they DID give me a cookie, but I thought THIS part was better:

Chick-fil-A! Yummy!

Oooooo! There's the menu! Mummy can I have a chocolate shake? Please, PLEASE can I!

All good things must come to an end. Back to work we go...and it's off to the showroom. Gotta keep everyone straight in there too. I bet they'll need my decorating expertise...

Hmmmm, now I think THIS car should go over THERE. Where are the PINK ones? We need a pink one right HERE! No pink ones huh? Oh well, Manager Guy will have to get busy and order some!

Wait! Wait! I have to practice my "sales dog" skills before we go back to our office....

"May I help you, sir? How many of these lovely Porsches would you like to buy?" (bats eyelashes)

I better settle in for the afternoon...

Wait a minute...who's THAT? What are they doing here?!

Mummy? Did you have a 3 o'clock appointment? They're here!

Whew! That was a very busy day. I had a good time, but I think I'll leave it to Bentley MOST days. He's used to it.


  1. Love this , pics are gorgeous

    1. Mummy got a new camera for Christmas and all of us have to be her subjects now that she's an artiste! Bimmer is a really pretty model though, isn't she?

  2. Well done Bimmer. I can understand why you wouldn't want to do the working thing everyday, but it's nice that Bentley has a back-up that he can rely on.

    1. Isn't she great AlicetotheMoon? Me and Turbo are SOOO glad we have a sister!

  3. Hi Bentley!

    Annie and I love your blog soo much that we have awarded you with the Pawsome Blogger Award!

    Come see us at :)

  4. You took Bentley to the office with Lambchops...

    Lamby looked creepy with all the social networking stuff because I was reminded of the Lambchops I used to watch in a children's network and they were singing "this is a song that never ends, and it goes on and on my friend" repeatedly.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  5. To Barren Irony: OH WOW!! You're too kind! I can't wait to get a look at your blog! Bimmer! Look! We have a new friend! Thanks very much Barren Irony and Annie!

    To haopee: I know that song! The next line is "some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because. Lambie and Lambchops aren't really creepy at all though, they're actually very nice, especially once you know them.
