Thursday, February 2, 2012

WOW #59: Two Too Many at the Office?

***********Blog Guardian's Note: Bentley and Bimmer both wanted to tell about the day they spent at work together, but they were afraid it would be boring if they both wrote an entry about the same thing so they decided to write an entry together. Bentley begins. **********

Hello everybody. I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. My typist has been working long hours and hasn't had time to help out (rolls eyes). Turbo is planning to write a blog soon about HIS day at work but he likes to take his time and is busy studying all of the pictures Mummy took and deciding what he wants to say. In the meantime let me just tell you what happened at work yesterday!

Now everybody knows that I love Bimmer. She's the best sister in the world I think. And I'm grateful that she's willing to come into work sometimes so I can have a day off. BUT, that office is just not big enough for TWO Bassets! Every time I turned around yesterday, I nearly fell over her! It was so frustrating!

See? There's just not enough space! AND she took my desk! I had to make do with a temporary desk like I was a beginner or something, rather than Mummy's right hand pup!

AND, as if that wasn't enough, she took my chewie!

WHAT a revolting development that was!


Hi everybody! Bimmer here. The neatest thing happened yesterday! I got to go to work with Bentley! It was so fun having him there! I felt very brave with him around. I went down and visited the shop and let them feed me cookies AND I barked at people who came into Mummy's office. Mummy says she thinks I should come in at the first of the month every month 'cause that's when she's busiest and people are ALWAYS coming in and interrupting her!

She says I can't bark at EVERYONE though, just the timewasters. I'm not sure how I'm suppose to know which are which though....we'll have to work out a secret sign.

The only thing was Bentley was sort of grumpy yesterday. I hope he's not coming down with anything. I like work better when he's there!

He was so cute with his new assistant too! His assistant's name is Buddy, and he must be VERY healthy because he hasn't had any surgery yet!

We think Buddy is a cross between a bulldog and a bear. I've never heard of that mix before, but that really seems to be what he is!

I didn't bring Lambchops with me yesterday. She can't bear to be away from her Lambie that long! They've become real Skypaholics! I think they need a 12 step program!

Bentley let me share Buddy since I didn't have my own assistant.


(Sigh) I was just LOST without my desk yesterday!

I thought about going in and sitting at Auntie A's desk but I was afraid it would make me miss her too much.

It took several tries but...

...FINALLY I was able to get a little time at my own desk!

It was a tough day!


Bentley let me sit at his desk part of the time. That was nice of him. He's such a good brother!


Aww shucks! *Blushes*


It WAS a little tight sometimes though...

I think Mummy needs a bigger office, don't you Bentley?


Yeah! Good idea, Bimmer! AND another desk! If we're BOTH going to work there has to be more space and we each need our own place to work!


Yes, another desk would be helpful!

I think Buddy and Stripes would like it if there was more room to move too, don't you Bentley?


I definitely do! They kept tripping over each other just like us! We better talk to Mummy.



MUMMY!!! We've got an idea for you! Me and Bentley! We thought it up together!


  1. Tune in tomorrow for a special awards announcement! (Provided my typist does not go AWOL again!)

  2. Hi Friends!! What a fun day at work!! Will Buddy and Stripes be my friends too?! I agree with you, Bimmer! I absolutely cannot get Lambie off of Skype!! If you find a rehab program please pass the pamphlet along, however we cannot send them together!! Iz so 'cited to read about Turbo's day too!! Does Auntie A like her new job? Did both of you get to go to the bank? Bentley, my Mama wants to rub your adorable speckled puppy tummy! Bimmer, Iz like how you kissed Buddy. Please make sure Bentley does not operate on him. Iz would like to cuddle him at the first sign of Bentley saying he is sick. Okayz, Iz rambling. Bye bye for now!!

  3. Mummeez and Daddeez share an office. It beez a wonder they hasn't killed eachother yet. Dadeez seems to fink Mummeez beez his 'assistant'. Meez finks dis beez half da problem. Snooterkisses. X

  4. Looks like you had a wunnerful day at work!
