So here it is...FINALLY! My typist SAYS that she's been having internet problems. It's hard to find good help. (Sigh)
Anyway...FANFARE PLEASE....A friend has very graciously awarded us the Pawsome Blogger Award!!!
Thanks to Barren Irony who writes The Chick and the Hound:
for this amazing honor!
The rules state that upon receiving the awards one should thank the giver and link to their blog and then chose 8 blogs to award the Pawsome Blogger Award to.
So now, without further ado, here are my picks:
Lazy HAL (English ver.)-a great guy with a cushy life in Japan. His mom is very attentive and she even made him a little snowman! He knows how to SWIM! In the WELL!
Molly McFreckles-a real sweetheart who has to work hard to keep her little brother Winston AND her pawrents in order.
Harville Hounds-my good pal Roscoe and his sister Hannah who have lots of adventures and lend their voice to many causes benefiting Bassets as well as all other breeds.
Bernie’s Blog-Bernie seems like a great guy who really knows how to keep his humans on their toes! He’s got a really cool jeep too and he looks great in the driver’s seat! I hope he writes lots more soon!
Basset Momma-understands that Bassets are far more intelligent than the general public gives us credit for.
A Splash of Drool-Looks like a great new blog about a fellow named Monroe. Can’t wait to hear about all the adventures he had settling in with his new family.
Life as I know it: by Worm, the Basset Hound-Worm looks like he’d be a fun friend to have. He likes a lot of the things I like, playing with friends, visiting family and running on the beach.
It’s All About Me-Larsen and Ninja look like real kindred spirits. They really know how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
Be sure to check them out! They're all great!
Thanks again to Barren Irony for this great honor!
****Last note: Turbo asked me to tell you that he's almost finished with his blog and will send it to our typist soon. (Then we'll all bark at her until she gets it posted!)
congrats on your award! Thanks for passing it on to us! I am behind on my award posts but will be doing them soon. I hope! LOL!