Now without further ado, I will turn the blog over to Princess Bimmer who is getting all the buppies (Bassets' and friends' parlance for little puppies) ready for Christmas. Bimmer's Buppies are available in our store at Sir Bentley Art on Facebook along with lots of other wonderful stuff. Take it away Bimmer!
Thank you Sir Bentley! Welcome Everyone! We are rehearsing our Christmas Song. These little Buppies all want homes of their own and will go up for adoption soon. (Watch the Bimmer's Buppies tab on Sir Bentley Art) Before they're all adopted and go to their new homes, we wanted to share our special Christmas performance with you.
Buppies? Are you ready?
Buppies: Yes Miss Bimmoo!
Bimmer: Good! Ronald, you may begin.
Ronald: (in a whisper) On the first day of Christmas my buppy gave to me....
Bimmer: Wait Ronald! You forgot to come out on stage. Also, remember that the audience has to be able to hear you.
Ronald: Sowwy Miss Bimmoo. (runs out on stage)
Bimmer: (holds ears) That's much better Ronald, but try not to scream, you might scare the audience. Okay, Mary Jane? Your turn.
Mary Jane: Coming! (climbs up on podium)
Bimmer: Wait Mary Jane! Don't drink them yet! Very good singing though! Ronald do it just like that.
Ronald: And a bacon burger with some cheese!
Bimmer: PERFECT Ronald! Keep doing it that way! Whew! I'm exhausted! We'll do day 3 and day 4 tomorrow. Everyone take a rest!
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