Thursday, November 21, 2013

WOW #77: "The Twelve Buppies of Christmas" Part 4

Bimmer:  Oh, hi everyone and welcome back.  I'm just having a little talk with Lila Ann.  (turns back to the buppy)  Now Lila.  You know the words, right?

Lila:  Uh huh.

Bimmer:  And you LIKE being number five and holding the bacon platter, right?

Lila:  Yup.

Bimmer:  So TONIGHT you're going to sing out for us, right?

Lila:  I not gonna sing.

Bimmer:  But Lila, everyone is counting on you....

Lila:  I NOT gonna sing!

Mary Jane:  We sing for her Miss Bimmoo, she can hold bacon and WE sing.

Lila:  Yeah, DEY sing!

Bimmer:  Oh dear!  Okay.  We'll do it that way.  All right buppies, let's get started.  We'll begin with day 7.  Are you ready Harvey?

Harvey:  Weady Miss Bimmoo!  (Climbs up on podium)  On the seventh day of Christmas my buppy gave to me:  seven bully sticks!

Thomas:  Six festive cheeselogs!

Everyone other than Lila:  FIVE BACON STRIPS!

Walter:  Four duck feeties!

Charity Lynn:  Three french fries!

Mary Jane:  Two frosty milkshakes!

Ronald:  And a bacon burger with some cheese!

Bimmer!  Wonderful!  Superb!  Keep going!  Sheila Marie?

Sheila:  On the eighth day of Christmas my buppy gave to ME:  eight cups of cocoa. (sniffs cocoa) Mmmmm!

Harvey:  (giggling) Seven bullysticks!

Thomas:  I want some cocoa!  Uh, I mean:  Six festive cheeselogs!

All (except Lila):  FIVE BACON STRIPS!!

Walter:  Four duck feeties!

Charity Lynn:  Three french fries!

Mary Jane:  Two frosty milkshakes.


Bimmer:  (whispers)  Ronald, I thought we agreed you would wait until day 12 to sing with so MUCH expression?

Ronald:  (whispers back)  I was pwacticing Miss Bimmoo!

Bimmer:  (sighs)

Charity Lynn:  Miss Bimmoo!  I gotta go out!  (dances around)

Several others:  Me too Miss Bimmoo!  Me too!

Bimmer:  That's a good idea!   Everyone go out now and play for a while before bedtime!

All:  (INCLUDING Lila)  Yayyyyy!  (they run out)

Bimmer:  Come on Lambchops, let's take a little rest before time to tuck them in and have stories.

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