Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WOW #76: "The Twelve Buppies of Christmas" - Part 3

Bimmer:  Okay Buppies!  You've been doing a very good job so far.  Today, let's start with Day 5.  That's you Lila Ann.  Jump up on the podium.

Lila Ann:

Bimmer:  Lila Ann?  Did you forget the words?  On the fifth day of Christmas.....

Lila Ann:

Bimmer:  Lila?  Where did she go?

Walter:  Miss Bimmoo!  Lila's hiding!

Bimmer:  Oh!  Oh!  Lila must have stage fright!  Let's all help her out.

All:  (except Lila)  On the fifth day of Christmas my buppy gave to me:  FIVE BACON STRIPS!

Walter:  Four duck feeties!

Charity Lynn:  Three french fries!

Mary Jo:  Two frosty milkshakes!

Ronald:  And a bacon burger with some cheese.

Bimmer:  Very nice buppies!  Day 6, let's keep it rolling!  Thomas....

Thomas:  'k.  (hops up on podium)  On the sixth day of Christmas my buppy gave to me:  Six festive cheeselogs.

All:  (except Lila)  FIVE BACON SLICES!

Walter:  Four duck feeties!

Charity Lynn:  Three french fries!

Mary Jo:  Two frosty milkshakes!

Ronald:  And a bacon burger with some cheese!

Bimmer:  VERY nice buppies!  I'm so proud of you!

Ronald:  Miss Bimmoo?

Bimmer:  Yes Ronald?

Ronald:  How comes we can yells da five bacons part but not my part?

Bimmer:  Oh Ronald, you shouldn't be "yelling" on five bacons either.  Just sing it with a LOT of expression.

Ronald:  Well okay, but can't I sing my part wif lots of spressions too?

Bimmer:  (sighs) You can when we get to the twelfth day of Christmas.  Okay?

Ronald:  Okiedokie. (runs off with the other buppies)

Bimmer:  This is a lot harder than I thought!

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