Wednesday, August 31, 2011

WOW #30: Introducing Bimmer!

Hi Everyone! I'm finally back from camp. It was lots of fun and very exciting! We had earth shakes and hurricanes! Camp Mom and Camp Dad lost electricity during the storm, but they have a generator so Camp Dad and Turbo were able to keep up with all their favorite teams!

I'd like to say special thank yous to the Lovely Beatrice, my Cousin Buster and my good friend Lizzie for filling in for me last week. You all did an awesome job!

And now for my BIG news....

THIS is my beautiful new sister, Bimmer! Mummy brought her home yesterday when she got back from her trip. (Yes that's right, another car! Can't fool you at all can we? My Cousin D says we have a fleet now!)

Bimmer used to be a show girl (umm dog, used to be a show DOG) but she didn't like that life. Her owners retired her and looked for a good home for her and that's when they found MY Mummy who is a SUPER good home!

Last night she was a little nervous in her new home until Turbo and I got there. Then she was pretty happy. We spent the evening getting to know each other. Things got a little hairy when Auntie A came over with some new patients for me and Bimmer thought they were new "friends" for her. Bimmer had some "friends" at her old home. Here's one of them:

Before I could explain to Bimmer that these were PATIENTS not "friends" Mummy took them and put them away! I hope they didn't need immediate surgery! They might DIE before Mummy remembers where she put them!

After that, Bimmer spent some time checking stuff out...

And I sat on the sofa with Mummy while she talked with Auntie A.

After a while, Bimmer came over too, but she doesn't know how to get on the sofa yet.

So she just stayed beside us....

...and watched TV...

...and watched Auntie A take pictures...

...and peeked over the coffee table.

THEN she went and got on my little sofa....

...I wasn't sure I liked that...

...but I wanted to be a nice brother so I didn't say anything...

...when she got up though, I went over there and got on the little sofa myself...we may need to have some ground rules...

I know all about brothers from Turbo, but I don't know much yet about sisters. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with them. Mummy and Auntie A work together, but Mummy says Bimmer is too shy to go to work, she'll be happier at home guarding the sofa with Turbo.

Mummy and Auntie A also go out to eat together THAT would be a GREAT idea! Bimmer and I can go to my favorite place:

We can get hamburgers and drinks and...I wonder if she likes fries? I don't but maybe Bimmer does. Well...she can have ALL the fries if she wants! (See what a good brother I can be?) We'll both have to have our own hamburgers though. I'll tell Auntie A to order one for each of us.

Oooh! And while Bimmer's getting over being so shy, maybe I should go to Five Guys with just Mummy and Auntie A...

...for practice you know....

THAT would be a GOOD plan!

Now I have to go. I don't want to neglect my new sister! Night all!

Friday, August 26, 2011

WOW #29 FOB (Friends of Bentley) #3: Lizzie

Hi everybody! I never wrote anything before. I hope I do it right. You'll love me anyway won't you? Most people do you know.

My name is Elizabeth...or Liz...or Lizzie.

I was named for Elizabeth Taylor. Guess why?

I have a big sister named Kasey.

(She's nicer than she looks)

And a little brother named Newman.

Isn't he just SOOOO handsome?

I have very busy days so I always make sure to start off with a good breakfast.

Then I get a drink from my own special glass.

There! Now that the most important matters are taken care of, I can get my day started. I have a very big responsibility in the morning: helping my Purrson get ready for her day.

We start off in the bathroom. Purrson spends a lot of time in here doing all sorts of strange and amazing things! You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stuff she comes up with!

Next it's on to the bedroom to choose Purrson's outfit for the day.

That one? Hmmm, ummm maybe if I look at it upside down?

Nope, it's definitely a "paws down".

Next it's down the hall to the office so she can check her messages.

Here, let me just scan in this Pet Smart list Kasey and Newman and I made...

Time to check out my pet condo to see if she cleaned it yet.

I may want to have a hurricane party in here this weekend!

Oops! Let me go check on the others. They're awfully quiet.

Kasey? Are you okay? What are you doing? Want me to wash your face? No? Oh well

Newman? What's going on over here? Do you need any help? No? Okay.

Mr Bunny? Do you want someone to sit with you for a while? YOU DO?? Oh good!

I think now would be a good time to play "chase the ball" It entertains Purrson and helps me get my exercise at the same time.

Kasey says "chase the ball" is a stupid game. (No REALLY, she's very nice!)

Well...OCCASIONALLY we have a little spat, but who doesn't?

I think I'll take a little nap now. I'm very tired. Kasey won't mind if I join her.

(Being so nice and all)

Newman's snoozing too. He's been at it awhile. Are all males like that? Kasey says they are.

Oh oh OH! I overslept! I have to hurry right downstairs so I can greet Daddy and tell him all about my day.

I'll just wait right here next to the door because I like to be the first one he says "hi" to when he comes in!

Well that's a pretty typical day for me. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it. Special thanks to Bentley for letting me be a guest on his blog. You know, I've never met him in the fur? Purrson says that I would like him, but Kasey would NOT.

(No, TRULY, she's really very nice. You just have to get to know her.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WOW #28: FOB (Friends of Bentley) Part 2: Buster

Hi there everybody, my name is Buster. I'm Bentley's cousin (I live at his Auntie A's house when I'm not in the cave or the treehouse) I'm a bear.
(Collective GASP from readers!) No really, I AM. I can prove it!


People ask me a lot what kind of bear I am and I tell them I'm a BUSY bear! (Heh heh, actually I think I must be a pygmy grizzly bear.) What with the health club in the treehouse, the sailboat, all the fun times in the cave and my stint as Governor of Virginian Bears, I never have a spare moment!

I LOVE it!

When I was Governor, I traveled all over Virginia meeting my constituent bears and helping them to solve problems. I also met with representatives of other animal groups to discuss treaties and matters of mutual interest.

I had a luncheon meeting on my birthday last year with King/President Rupert of Rupertanea which is a small country located in the very western-most part of Henrico County.

He surprised me with a special dessert, a honey bun of course!

Another group I met with sometimes was Bentley's squirrel assistants. It's too bad about that terrible illness they all had!

First I gave a speech...that's what governors do you know.

After my extremely brilliant and witty address, we had the requisite photo-op. It was fun!

Now that my term is over, I concentrate mainly on my treehouse, cave and sailboat. All that keeps a bear pretty busy I can tell you!

Sometimes for fun I like to kick around the old soccer ball.

Mostly though I enjoy hanging with my friends. Here's some of them now:

That's Walter the Warthog, Henry the Lion, Abigail's in the bathing suit (she spends a lot of time at the pool or the well as Bentley calls it) and then there's little Cressida, isn't she cute?

One of my best friends, Willibald, is my cousin, Bentley's brother you know. He's a bear though, not a dog. He's a little camera-shy. He works at the phone company a lot too. When he started there, he told people who called in what time it was. Now he's got a job in management. It must be super top-secret because he never talks about it much.

Oh, uhh...heh heh, we all get a little silly sometimes!

Well I've really enjoyed chatting with you and I thank Bentley for the opportunity, but now I have to run! Abigail has a bakery in the tree house (yes WITH the health club) and she's testing a new recipe. She needs some tasters. Stop by if you get the chance.

Ciao for now!

Monday, August 22, 2011

WOW #27 FOB (Friends of Bentley) #1: Beatrice

Hello all! So nice to be back with you again! Bentley asked me to fill in for him today. He got to go to camp while his Mummy is in Saratoga. I have to stay at home to look after things. My Mom and Daddy went to Saratoga too. For some strange reason, they didn't leave me a single chocolate to munch on while they were away. The nerve!

Bentley says he doesn't know why the humans go to look at horses run. I know a little more about it because I live on a horse farm. My Mom trains race horses.

They go because it's exciting.

It's ESPECIALLY exciting if they win some of that green stuff Bentley has mentioned a few times.

Anyway, while Mom and Daddy are gone, I'm looking out for the farm.

You have to keep a close eye on all those horses.

This is Peeps. He was just a baby here. Look at those legs! Real race horse material!

Here he is again, taking his mom for a walk.

A little snack...

Yes a horse farm's a nice place to live!

I'm just keeping an eye on things here though. Mom and Daddy don't expect me to protect the place all by myself. They've hired someone else to do that.

I think she must've been in the CIA or some other super-secret organization before she came here, she doesn't even have a real name!

Her code name is Goat Goat.

She takes her job a little too seriously if you ask me. I don't much like her. No one does, not really. Whenever anyone comes to visit us, she takes off chasing them. She's so MEAN! Everyone's scared of her except me.

(Well...maybe I'm a LITTLE scared)

It would be okay if she'd only chases the bad guys, but she chases everyone, even people like Bentley's mummy, Auntie B and all of Mom's and Daddy's other friends too! I don't know why they put up with her, really I don't!

See?! SEE how she is?! If she doesn't have anyone to chase, she attacks the FENCE!! It's maddening, really it is. I can't even wander around my own farm without having to watch out for her!

Oh well, Mom and Daddy should be home soon. They're not staying as long as Bentley's mummy. I'll just lay low, take it easy and wait for them to come back.


***********Guest Blogger's Note: Many thanks to Bentley for giving me the chance to vent on his blog! Have fun at camp Bentley and be glad you're not here with Goat Goat!**********