Hi there everybody, my name is Buster. I'm Bentley's cousin (I live at his Auntie A's house when I'm not in the cave or the treehouse) I'm a bear.
(Collective GASP from readers!) No really, I AM. I can prove it!
People ask me a lot what kind of bear I am and I tell them I'm a BUSY bear! (Heh heh, actually I think I must be a pygmy grizzly bear.) What with the health club in the treehouse, the sailboat, all the fun times in the cave and my stint as Governor of Virginian Bears, I never have a spare moment!
I LOVE it!
When I was Governor, I traveled all over Virginia meeting my constituent bears and helping them to solve problems. I also met with representatives of other animal groups to discuss treaties and matters of mutual interest.
I had a luncheon meeting on my birthday last year with King/President Rupert of Rupertanea which is a small country located in the very western-most part of Henrico County.
He surprised me with a special dessert, a honey bun of course!
Another group I met with sometimes was Bentley's squirrel assistants. It's too bad about that terrible illness they all had!
First I gave a speech...that's what governors do you know.
After my extremely brilliant and witty address, we had the requisite photo-op. It was fun!
Now that my term is over, I concentrate mainly on my treehouse, cave and sailboat. All that keeps a bear pretty busy I can tell you!
Sometimes for fun I like to kick around the old soccer ball.
Mostly though I enjoy hanging with my friends. Here's some of them now:
That's Walter the Warthog, Henry the Lion, Abigail's in the bathing suit (she spends a lot of time at the pool or the well as Bentley calls it) and then there's little Cressida, isn't she cute?
One of my best friends, Willibald, is my cousin, Bentley's brother you know. He's a bear though, not a dog. He's a little camera-shy. He works at the phone company a lot too. When he started there, he told people who called in what time it was. Now he's got a job in management. It must be super top-secret because he never talks about it much.
Oh, uhh...heh heh, we all get a little silly sometimes!
Well I've really enjoyed chatting with you and I thank Bentley for the opportunity, but now I have to run! Abigail has a bakery in the tree house (yes WITH the health club) and she's testing a new recipe. She needs some tasters. Stop by if you get the chance.
Ciao for now!
Bentley, your cousin sure does get around! Just like you :-)